We believe a scholar’s behavior and attitude are related to his or her appearance. We want scholars to attend school and focus on academics and scholarly behavior and not focus on what brand of clothing they are wearing. Therefore, we implement a dress code policy for all scholars. It is our desire to foster good grooming and good judgment as well as make all of our scholars feel that they are as equally important to our staff and to their peers. Scholars should follow the dress code each and every day unless otherwise informed. If a scholar is not following the dress code parent/guardian will be notified and asked to bring the appropriate clothing to school.
- SHOES: Shoes may be athletic shoes, or standard oxford casual or dress shoes. They need to be full covering, flat shoes. Steel-toed, open-toed, open-heeled, or shoes with any type of heel are not permitted.
- SOCKS: They may be any color or design.
- BELTS: Belts are optional. Plain colors without designs, words, and have simple buckles are permitted. The tail of the belt needs to be feed through belt loops to ensure they are not hanging.
- SWEATERS / JACKETS: Any plain color or style of sweatshirt or jacket without sports affiliation or inappropriate pictures or language is permitted.
- PANTS: Pants need to be color navy blue or khaki Dickies type material, not jean, spandex, or corduroy material. They need to be the correct fit size in the waist, not baggy or skin tight. They also need to be properly maintained with no holes or ragged seams, Cargo or cell phone pockets are not permitted.
- SHORTS AND SKIRTS: Shorts and skirts follow the same guidelines as the pants. Shorts, and skirts need to be the same length as the scholars finger tips when their arm is straight or up to 2 inches below their knee when standing.
- JUMPERS / VESTS: Scholars may wear navy blue or khaki jumpers or vests with a NON LOGO polo underneath them. Jumpers follow the same guidelines as the shorts and skirts.
- SHIRTS: Only maroon and gold polo shirt WITH the LEPA school logo should be worn. These are available at Hattrix.
- HAIR: All scholars need to be well groomed each day with their natural-unaltered hair color. Mohawks, Fohawks, duck tails, completely shaved, or any other fad is not permitted.
- JEWELRY, HATS, AND TATOOS: Scholars are permitted to wear simple necklaces, bracelets, and studded earring with no parts that dangle in the ears only. Plain sun hats and beanies are permitted outdoors only pending weather need. They need to be removed once the scholar is indoors. Tatoos of any kind, even temporary are not permitted.